The Roadkill Comparison

Reblogged from Seeking Equilibrium

I don’t know why.
Lately, I’ve been tired.
Roadkill tired

I’ve gone through a “roadkill tired” spell myself of late. I think I’m finally coming out of it. Adding a Vitamin B and iron supplements to my daily mix of supplements seems to be helping me feel a more normal level of tired, not the bad roadkill tired I’ve been doing. My brother actually figured out that it sounded like I was iron deficient. I definitely notice a difference now that I’m taking it. Thanks brother!

This post on chronic fatigue as it relates to fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses is really great. She highlights ten common suggestions doctors make to help decrease fatigue and how most of them really work for fibro sufferers. Our brains just don’t work like “normal” brains and until doctors realize that and modify their recommendations accordingly, we’re stuck with getting the same unhelpful advice over and over. My favorite tip she makes is:

Point number 10: Be good to yourself. There is a lot of guilt and problems that go with chronic illness. We do need to be good to ourselves. This will be with us until there is a cure so we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves.

 So remember, be good to yourself. That’s really the best thing we can do for ourselves, both physically and mentally.

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