Quote of the Day – Health

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles… but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

I like this quote. It took me a long time to learn that worrying about the future and reliving upsetting things from the past were bad for my health both mentally and physically. Living in the present moment is the best thing for me and my health. And living in the moment lets me enjoy and appreciate all the little things I missed before because I was to busy worrying. I’d be so lost in the past or the future that I’d miss out on the good of the present.

FDA Survey on Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association and the FDA are teamed up to perform a survey targeting people who suffer from fibromyalgia and chornic pain. I took the survey this morning and it takes about 15 minutes. I urge everyone who suffers from chronic pain to take the survey. A lot of the questions deal with where we experience pain, the intensity of pain, triggers for our pain, and what non-pain symptoms of fibro/chronic pain trouble us the most (after the non-stop pain of course). There’s a comments space at the very end where I let loose on my anger at the FDA for making it harder for us to get the pain medications we need to manage our disease. I ranted about the assumption that everyone who takes these medications must be an addict and it’s not possible to take these medicines responsibly, as directed by a doctor (such BS!). I’m glad there wasn’t a character limit on that field because I had quite a bit to say since I had the opportunity to get on my soap box. I am hopeful that the FDA will seriously consider the responses they get on this survey and use them to redo the rules on the medications we need to cope with our pain. Are doctors should not be afraid to prescribe certain medications to us out of fear of the FDA.

Please take a few minutes and answer this survey. Maybe it will help us out in the long run. At the very least, I enjoyed ranting in the comments field. 🙂

Take the NFMCPA/FDA Survey

Quote of the Day – Champion

fight quote

People who suffer from chronic pain are champions. We fight our pain — our own bodies — every day, but we don’t give in. We keep fighting on. We keep getting up every time we are knocked down. We are fighters and survivors.