
I had an awesome afternoon today.  I took a 3-hour class on mindfulness meditation and yoga.  It was great.  I learned new meditation and breathing techniques and some new yoga poses.  I’ll post more on it later, but I wanted to share the definition of Namaste, which is traditionally said while bringing the palms of your hands together at your heart and gently bowing your head. In it’s simplest form it is a humble act honoring the equality and sacred nature of all of us. Namaste is traditionally said at the end of every yoga class.  I did not know it before today.  It sums up the feeling I get when I do a yoga class.  There’s just something about the shared energy that gives me a great boost.  And the people there do honor and accept you, so my pain hurts them too.


“I honor the place within you
where the entire Universe resides;
I honor the place within you
of love, of light, of truth, of peace;
I honor the place within you, where,
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
there is only one of us.”

5 thoughts on “Namaste

  1. ddLynn says:

    Always loved the love, peace and power in that one word! Namaste, my friend.

    • painfighter says:

      I’d always loved the peace and power of it too, but had never looked up the definition. Now it means even more to me. Namaste, my friend. May you have as pain free a day as possible. 🙂

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